
Application Area

Garbage power

Using urban household waste as the main fuel and fuel injection as auxiliary fuel, high-temperature incineration is carried out in a boiler to generate high-temperature steam to drive a steam turbine for power generation. The outlet parameters of this type of unit boiler change rapidly and are unstable; The requirements for the main engine and regulating system of the steam turbine are high.

The types of steam turbines are generally condensing, extraction, etc. The product complies with the national standard GB/T5578-2007 "Specification for Fixed Power Generation Steam Turbines".

Mainly suitable for various inlet parameters with power below 60MW, inlet pressure of 8.83MPa, inlet temperature below 535 ℃, and speed of 3000r/min or 3600r/min.

Due to the operational characteristic of the garbage power station being to stop the boiler without stopping it (otherwise the garbage cannot be processed), a three boiler and two machine operation mode is adopted. The operating conditions require fast start stop and a high degree of automation.


Sales Hotline

  • +86-0532-86125772(Electric power generation)
  • +86-0532-86125216(Drag)
  • +86-0532-86125768(Overseas Business Unit)
  • +86-0532-86127031(Accessories and major repairs)

Service Hotline

  • +86-0532-86125426
  • +86-0532-86125999

Marketing Department Supervision Phone

  • +86-0532-86125341

Group complaint hotline

  • +86-0532-86125799

Group email

  • jn@jnpower.com

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