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Cement kiln waste heat utilization

A steam turbine that uses various waste heat from the cement production process to generate electricity, recovers low-temperature waste heat from the cement production process, and uses it for power generation, effectively reducing energy consumption in the cement production process, lowering the temperature of exhaust emissions, and reducing thermal pollution to the environment caused by cement production. It has significant energy-saving and environmental protection significance. Suitable for self owned power stations or small and medium-sized power generation industries in the cement industry.

The types of steam turbines are generally low parameter condensing units and supplementary steam units. The new steam is superheated steam, and the supplementary steam is generally saturated steam. The product complies with the national standard GB/T5578-2007 "Specification for Fixed Power Generation Steam Turbines".

Power below 60MW, suitable for various inlet parameters with inlet pressure mainly between 0.7-2.29 MPa, temperature below 410 ℃, and speed of 3000r/min or 3600r/min.


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