
Jieneng Environmental Engineering Company

Introduction to Qingdao Jieneng Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd

Qingdao Jieneng Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qingdao Jieneng Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd., engaged in technology development, technology transfer, and technology services in the field of environmental protection; Design, processing, sales, and technical services of cooling equipment; Technical development, technical consulting, processing, sales, and installation of power equipment; Construction and installation engineering; Engineering management services; Import and export of goods, technology, and other related businesses.

In response to market demand for air-cooled technology, our company has provided customers with over 400 sets of air-cooled steam turbine units and technical services since 2000. The development of air cooling island technology and complete services started late but had a high starting point. In 2010, the company officially signed a partnership agreement with GEA Electric Cooling Technology (China) Co., Ltd. Realize the dream of Jieneng providing users with complete engineering services for machinery, electricity, and islands.

In 2010, the company began collaborating with international air cooling giant GEA in Germany to develop electric air cooling systems for the small and medium-sized electric cooling market. In 2013, the company renewed its long-term partnership with GEA Electric Cooling Technology (China) Co., Ltd. In 2014, the company established a long-term business partnership with GEA Energy Technology GmbH in Germany. Strong alliance, committed to the market development and technological application of complete sets of environmental protection, energy conservation, efficiency, and safety turbine island systems. Integrating advanced corporate culture, technology, and market concepts from both the East and the West, we provide our customers with more environmentally friendly, efficient, energy-saving, and safe air cooling products and services. Among them, the core heat exchange technology and components of the air cooling island are provided by the international air cooling giant GEA, which has better thermal efficiency. The tube bundle uses GEA's globally patented ALEX single row heat exchanger (large diameter steel core aluminum fins).

Since 2010, the company has undertaken and implemented 36 engineering projects both domestically and internationally, including 28 power station air cooling island projects (including complete sets of electromechanical island and water cooling unit renovation projects) and 5 chemical air coolers; Two biological fermentation air cooling towers; One circulating water cooling tower for the power station. Widely covering related engineering fields such as coal-fired power plants, solar photovoltaic power plants, waste heat power plants, biomass power generation, garbage power generation, and West East Gas Transmission.


Sales Hotline

  • +86-0532-86125772(Electric power generation)
  • +86-0532-86125216(Drag)
  • +86-0532-86125768(Overseas Business Unit)
  • +86-0532-86127031(Accessories and major repairs)

Service Hotline

  • +86-0532-86125426
  • +86-0532-86125999

Marketing Department Supervision Phone

  • +86-0532-86125341

Group complaint hotline

  • +86-0532-86125799

Group email

  • jn@jnpower.com

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