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Steel waste heat utilization

Steel sintering waste heat power generation is an energy-saving technology that converts sintering waste gas waste heat resources into electricity. In the production process of sintered ore, especially during the cooling process of sintered ore by a blast ring cooler, a large amount of low-temperature flue gas with a temperature of 200-400 ℃ is discharged, resulting in a waste of a large amount of recoverable heat, which is approximately 33% of the heat consumption of the sintered ore sintering system. The recovery of a large amount of heat energy from low-temperature flue gas waste heat maximizes power generation, thereby improving the energy utilization rate of the sintered ore production process, reducing process energy consumption, and bringing considerable economic benefits to the factory.

Steel converter flue heat power generation is a direct power generation method that uses low-pressure saturated steam generated by vaporization cooling flue heat. The system is simple, safe, reliable, and does not require additional fuels or energy sources, making it easy to operate.

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  • +86-0532-86125772(Electric power generation)
  • +86-0532-86125216(Drag)
  • +86-0532-86125768(Overseas Business Unit)
  • +86-0532-86127031(Accessories and major repairs)

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  • +86-0532-86125426
  • +86-0532-86125999

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  • +86-0532-86125341

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  • +86-0532-86125799

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  • jn@jnpower.com

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