
Multi energy coupling energy solution

Multi energy coupling energy solution

Overview of the plan

In order to achieve the goal of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality", we should take advantage of the rapid development of "industrial Internet" smart energy to achieve the green, environmental protection and clean purpose of industrial enterprises' energy use, promote the efficient use of renewable energy resources in the region, and achieve the sustainable and healthy development of production and economic activities.

On the basis of decades of energy comprehensive utilization technology and experience, Jieneng Group has designed personalized "multi energy coupling" energy use schemes based on the underlying logical architecture of energy data analysis platform, machine learning, cognitive computing, edge computing, and other aspects, such as multi energy complementation, energy use management, green energy management, carbon reduction management, and equipment management. This technical solution is currently rare in China and has begun to be promoted and applied in the PetroChina system.

Multi energy coupling energy solution

Why choose Jieneng

Jieneng, 74 years of development and application accumulation in the energy industry

The number of steam turbines in the energy scenario is the largest in China, and the industry span is the widest

Applying the demand for "diversified energy use" to help reduce costs and improve efficiency in "green energy use"

Leading by the goals of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality"

Efficiency, economy, reliability, sustainability

Integrated Energy Intelligence Platform Based on Energy AI Mechanism Engine

Mechanism algorithms, machine learning, feature identification, cloud edge collaboration, energy big data

Energy comprehensive and efficient utilization solution

Data decision-making, precise energy utilization, efficiency improvement, multi energy coupling, deep low-carbon

The Comprehensive Energy System of "New Jieneng" in the New Era

Full heat utilization+multi energy coupling V1.0 "source, network, load, storage" integration

Product matrix of total heat utilization and multi energy coupling technology

Sustainable clean energy commitment

Create value for customers

Heterogeneous energy homogenization

The process of controlling energy conversion efficiency, accuracy, and order is continuously iterating and increasing

Energy coupling multiplier fission effect

Ultra high weather resistance, wilderness, severe cold, desert, high altitude

Enable energy to be used everywhere

Continuous and long-lasting evaporator

Ultra low temperature direct start

Efficient self-cleaning

Aerodynamic optimization of flow field

High robustness and high redundancy

Flexible load adaptability range 0-200%

Distributed Group Control and Energy Storage

Pre regulated flexible distributed energy storage+group control tracking

Green power consumption "0" delay

Multi energy coupling&total heat utilization - digital twin&meteorological perception

Digital twin/data-driven/weather sensing/cloud edge collaboration/carbon emission prediction/energy structure prediction

Palm computer interconnection

Remote instant service

Customer Case

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  • +86-0532-86125426
  • +86-0532-86125999

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  • +86-0532-86125799

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  • jn@jnpower.com

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